Thank you for making a donation to Living Hope Fellowship. Your donation helps many in the community by funding youth camps, food box give-aways, bible teachings online and in-person, worship services, leadership training and much more.

New:  Automation:  You may also automate your giving by making your donation an automatic debit each month (or weekly/quarterly/yearly/etc.) so you do not have to remember to do it each time.

Thank you for your donation.

Living Hope Fellowship

New:  Credit Card Processing:  Our credit card processor charges us to use the credit card processing service. You will see the fee they charge us (2.9% + .30/transaction) added to your donation by default. If you would like to not cover this service fee in your donation, you can uncheck this option on the screen below, and it will remove this fee from your donation total.

$66,096.88 donated
33 Donors

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